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Версия от 15:34, 14 июля 2016; Aleksnick (обсуждение | вклад)
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create or alter procedure PR_AUTO_WARESLINK ( DOC_ID DM_ID_NULL, ACTIVE_ID DM_ID_NULL) as declare variable DDA_BARCODE DM_TEXT1024; declare variable DDA_WARE_ID DM_UUID_NULL; declare variable DDA_ORIG_COUNTRYID DM_UUID_NULL; declare variable DDA_ORIG_IZGID DM_UUID_NULL; declare variable DDA_ORIG_NAMEID DM_UUID_NULL; declare variable DDA_COUNTRY_ID DM_UUID_NULL; declare variable DDA_IZG_ID DM_UUID_NULL; declare variable DDA_NAME_ID DM_UUID_NULL; declare variable DDA_Z_ID DM_UUID_NULL; declare variable DDA_SKLAD_ID DM_UUID_NULL; declare variable DDALOG_BARCODE DM_TEXT1024; declare variable DDALOG_WARE_ID DM_UUID_NULL; declare variable DDALOG_ORIG_COUNTRYID DM_UUID_NULL; declare variable DDALOG_ORIG_IZGID DM_UUID_NULL; declare variable DDALOG_ORIG_NAMEID DM_UUID_NULL; declare variable DDALOG_COUNTRY_ID DM_UUID_NULL; declare variable DDALOG_IZG_ID DM_UUID_NULL; declare variable DDALOG_NAME_ID DM_UUID_NULL; declare variable DDALOG_Z_ID DM_UUID_NULL; declare variable DDALOG_SKLAD_ID DM_UUID_NULL; declare variable DDALOG2_BARCODE DM_TEXT1024; declare variable DDALOG2_WARE_ID DM_UUID_NULL; declare variable DDALOG2_ORIG_COUNTRYID DM_UUID_NULL; declare variable DDALOG2_ORIG_IZGID DM_UUID_NULL; declare variable DDALOG2_ORIG_NAMEID DM_UUID_NULL; declare variable DDALOG2_COUNTRY_ID DM_UUID_NULL; declare variable DDALOG2_IZG_ID DM_UUID_NULL; declare variable DDALOG2_NAME_ID DM_UUID_NULL; declare variable DDALOG2_Z_ID DM_UUID_NULL; declare variable DDALOG2_SKLAD_ID DM_UUID_NULL; begin select BCODE_IZG, WARE_ID, (select VAL_ID from PR_GETVAL_ID(DDA.SNAME, 0, DDA.PART_TYPE)) as NAME_ID, (select VAL_ID from PR_GETVAL_ID(DDA.SIZG, 3, DDA.PART_TYPE)) as IZG_ID, (select VAL_ID from PR_GETVAL_ID(DDA.SCOUNTRY, 2, DDA.PART_TYPE)) as COUNTRY_ID, (select VAL_ID from PR_GETVAL_ID(DDA.SORIG_NAME, 1, DDA.PART_TYPE)) as ORIG_NAME_ID, (select VAL_ID from PR_GETVAL_ID(DDA.SORIG_IZG, 6, DDA.PART_TYPE)) as ORGI_IZG_ID, (select VAL_ID from PR_GETVAL_ID(DDA.SORIG_COUNTRY, 5, DDA.PART_TYPE)) as ORIG_COUNTRY_ID, Z_ID, SKLAD_ID from DOC_DETAIL_ACTIVE DDA where DOC_ID = :DOC_ID and ID = :ACTIVE_ID into DDA_BARCODE, DDA_WARE_ID, DDA_NAME_ID, DDA_IZG_ID, DDA_COUNTRY_ID, DDA_ORIG_NAMEID, DDA_ORIG_IZGID, DDA_ORIG_COUNTRYID, DDA_Z_ID, DDA_SKLAD_ID; select first 1 BCODE_IZG, WARE_ID, (select VAL_ID from PR_GETVAL_ID(DDAL.SNAME, 0, DDAL.PART_TYPE)) as NAME_ID, (select VAL_ID from PR_GETVAL_ID(DDAL.SIZG, 3, DDAL.PART_TYPE)) as IZG_ID, (select VAL_ID from PR_GETVAL_ID(DDAL.SCOUNTRY, 2, DDAL.PART_TYPE)) as COUNTRY_ID, (select VAL_ID from PR_GETVAL_ID(DDAL.SORIG_NAME, 1, DDAL.PART_TYPE)) as ORIG_NAME_ID, (select VAL_ID from PR_GETVAL_ID(DDAL.SORIG_IZG, 6, DDAL.PART_TYPE)) as ORGI_IZG_ID, (select VAL_ID from PR_GETVAL_ID(DDAL.SORIG_COUNTRY, 5, DDAL.PART_TYPE)) as ORIG_COUNTRY_ID, Z_ID, SKLAD_ID from DOC_DETAIL_ACTIVE_LOG DDAL where DOC_ID = :DOC_ID and ID = :ACTIVE_ID order by LOG_ID into DDALOG_BARCODE, DDALOG_WARE_ID, DDALOG_NAME_ID, DDALOG_IZG_ID, DDALOG_COUNTRY_ID, DDALOG_ORIG_NAMEID, DDALOG_ORIG_IZGID, DDALOG_ORIG_COUNTRYID, DDALOG_Z_ID, DDALOG_SKLAD_ID; select first 1 skip 1 BCODE_IZG, WARE_ID, (select VAL_ID from PR_GETVAL_ID(DDAL.SNAME, 0, DDAL.PART_TYPE)) as NAME_ID, (select VAL_ID from PR_GETVAL_ID(DDAL.SIZG, 3, DDAL.PART_TYPE)) as IZG_ID, (select VAL_ID from PR_GETVAL_ID(DDAL.SCOUNTRY, 2, DDAL.PART_TYPE)) as COUNTRY_ID, (select VAL_ID from PR_GETVAL_ID(DDAL.SORIG_NAME, 1, DDAL.PART_TYPE)) as ORIG_NAME_ID, (select VAL_ID from PR_GETVAL_ID(DDAL.SORIG_IZG, 6, DDAL.PART_TYPE)) as ORGI_IZG_ID, (select VAL_ID from PR_GETVAL_ID(DDAL.SORIG_COUNTRY, 5, DDAL.PART_TYPE)) as ORIG_COUNTRY_ID, Z_ID, SKLAD_ID from DOC_DETAIL_ACTIVE_LOG DDAL where DOC_ID = :DOC_ID and ID = :ACTIVE_ID order by LOG_ID into DDALOG2_BARCODE, DDALOG2_WARE_ID, DDALOG2_NAME_ID, DDALOG2_IZG_ID, DDALOG2_COUNTRY_ID, DDALOG2_ORIG_NAMEID, DDALOG2_ORIG_IZGID, DDALOG2_ORIG_COUNTRYID, DDALOG2_Z_ID, DDALOG2_SKLAD_ID; if (((DDA_WARE_ID <> '-1') and (DDA_WARE_ID <> '0') and (DDA_WARE_ID is not null)) and ((DDALOG2_WARE_ID <> '-1') and (DDALOG2_WARE_ID <> '0') and (DDALOG2_WARE_ID is not null)) and (DDA_BARCODE = DDALOG2_BARCODE) and (DDA_WARE_ID <> DDALOG2_WARE_ID)) then begin update WARES set NAME_ID = :DDA_NAME_ID, IZG_ID = :DDA_IZG_ID, COUNTRY_ID = :DDA_COUNTRY_ID, ORIG_NAME_ID = :DDA_ORIG_NAMEID, ORIG_IZG_ID = :DDA_ORIG_IZGID, ORIG_COUNTRY_ID = :DDA_ORIG_COUNTRYID, BARCODE = :DDA_BARCODE where ID = :DDALOG2_WARE_ID; exit; end if ((DDALOG_WARE_ID = '0') or (DDALOG_WARE_ID = '-1') or (DDALOG_WARE_ID is null)) then begin insert into WARES_LOG (ID, NAME_ID, IZG_ID, COUNTRY_ID, ORIG_NAME_ID, ORIG_IZG_ID, ORIG_COUNTRY_ID, BARCODE, Z_ID, SKLAD_ID) values (:DDA_WARE_ID, :DDALOG_NAME_ID, :DDALOG_IZG_ID, :DDALOG_COUNTRY_ID, :DDALOG_ORIG_NAMEID, :DDALOG_ORIG_IZGID, :DDALOG_ORIG_COUNTRYID, :DDALOG_BARCODE, :DDALOG_Z_ID, :DDALOG_SKLAD_ID); end else if (((DDA_WARE_ID <> '0') and (DDA_WARE_ID <> '-1') and (DDA_WARE_ID is not null)) and ((DDA_NAME_ID <> DDALOG_NAME_ID) or (DDA_IZG_ID <> DDALOG_IZG_ID) or (DDA_COUNTRY_ID <> DDALOG_COUNTRY_ID) or (DDA_ORIG_NAMEID <> DDALOG_ORIG_NAMEID) or (DDA_ORIG_IZGID <> DDALOG_ORIG_IZGID) or (DDA_ORIG_COUNTRYID <> DDALOG_ORIG_COUNTRYID)) and (DDA_BARCODE = DDALOG_BARCODE)) then begin update WARES set NAME_ID = :DDA_NAME_ID, IZG_ID = :DDA_IZG_ID, COUNTRY_ID = :DDA_COUNTRY_ID, ORIG_NAME_ID = :DDA_ORIG_NAMEID, ORIG_IZG_ID = :DDA_ORIG_IZGID, ORIG_COUNTRY_ID = :DDA_ORIG_COUNTRYID, BARCODE = :DDA_BARCODE where ID = :DDALOG_WARE_ID; end end; grant execute on procedure PR_GETVAL_ID to procedure PR_AUTO_WARESLINK; grant select on DOC_DETAIL_ACTIVE to procedure PR_AUTO_WARESLINK; grant select on DOC_DETAIL_ACTIVE_LOG to procedure PR_AUTO_WARESLINK; grant insert on WARES_LOG to procedure PR_AUTO_WARESLINK; grant select, update on WARES to procedure PR_AUTO_WARESLINK; grant execute on procedure PR_AUTO_WARESLINK to SYSDBA; create or alter procedure PR_MAKEGOODWAREVALUES(SNAME type of DM_TEXT, SORIG_NAME type of DM_TEXT, SIZG type of DM_TEXT, SORIG_IZG type of DM_TEXT, SCOUNTRY type of DM_TEXT, SORIG_COUNTRY type of DM_TEXT, ORIG_CODE type of DM_TEXT, ACTIVE_ID type of DM_ID, ALTTYPE DM_STATUS, BARCODE DM_TEXT1024 = '') returns(GOODNAME type of DM_TEXT, GOODIZG type of DM_TEXT, GOODCOUNTRY type of DM_TEXT, GOODBARCODE DM_TEXT) as declare variable WARE_ID type of DM_UUID_NULL; declare variable NAME_ID type of DM_UUID_NULL; declare variable ORIG_NAME_ID type of DM_UUID_NULL; declare variable IZG_ID type of DM_UUID_NULL; declare variable ORIG_IZG_ID type of DM_UUID_NULL; declare variable COUNTRY_ID type of DM_UUID_NULL; declare variable ORIG_COUNTRY_ID type of DM_UUID_NULL; begin /* select val_id from pr_getval_id(:sname,0,:alttype) into :name_id; select val_id from pr_getval_id(:sorig_name,1,:alttype) into :orig_name_id; select val_id from pr_getval_id(:sizg,3,:alttype) into :izg_id; select val_id from pr_getval_id(:sorig_izg,6,:alttype) into :orig_izg_id; select val_id from pr_getval_id(:scountry,2,:alttype) into :country_id; select val_id from pr_getval_id(:sorig_country,5,:alttype) into :orig_country_id; */ select ID from VALS where VTYPE = 0 and ALTTYPE = :ALTTYPE and SVALUE = :SNAME into :NAME_ID; select ID from VALS where VTYPE = 1 and ALTTYPE = :ALTTYPE and SVALUE = :SORIG_NAME into :ORIG_NAME_ID; select ID from VALS where VTYPE = 3 and ALTTYPE = :ALTTYPE and SVALUE = :SIZG into :IZG_ID; select ID from VALS where VTYPE = 6 and ALTTYPE = :ALTTYPE and SVALUE = :SORIG_IZG into :ORIG_IZG_ID; select ID from VALS where VTYPE = 2 and ALTTYPE = :ALTTYPE and SVALUE = :SCOUNTRY into :COUNTRY_ID; select ID from VALS where VTYPE = 5 and ALTTYPE = :ALTTYPE and SVALUE = :SORIG_COUNTRY into :ORIG_COUNTRY_ID; select WARE_ID from PR_GETWARE_BY_IDS(:NAME_ID, :IZG_ID, :COUNTRY_ID, :ORIG_CODE, :ORIG_NAME_ID, :ORIG_IZG_ID, :ORIG_COUNTRY_ID, 0, 1, :BARCODE) into :WARE_ID; if (WARE_ID is not null) then begin /* select actualware_id from PR_GETACTUALWAREID(:ware_id) into :ware_id; */ select SNAME, SIZG, SCOUNTRY, BARCODE from VW_WARES where ID = :WARE_ID into :GOODNAME, :GOODIZG, :GOODCOUNTRY, :GOODBARCODE; /* if ((active_id>0) and ((goodname<>sname) or (goodizg<>sizg) or (goodcountry<>scountry))) then */ /* insert into doc_detail_active_log(id,sname,sizg,scountry,part_type) values (:active_id,:sname,:sizg,:scountry,:alttype); */ /* goodname='2';--sname; */ if (GOODNAME is null) then GOODNAME = SNAME; if (GOODIZG is null) then GOODIZG = SIZG; if (GOODCOUNTRY is null) then GOODCOUNTRY = SCOUNTRY; if (GOODNAME is null) then GOODNAME = SORIG_NAME; if (GOODIZG is null) then GOODIZG = SORIG_IZG; if (GOODCOUNTRY is null) then GOODCOUNTRY = SORIG_COUNTRY; if (GOODBARCODE is null) then GOODBARCODE = BARCODE; suspend; exit; end select WARE_ID from PR_GETWARE_BY_IDS(:NAME_ID, :IZG_ID, :COUNTRY_ID, :ORIG_CODE, :ORIG_NAME_ID, :ORIG_IZG_ID, :ORIG_COUNTRY_ID, 0, null, :BARCODE) into :WARE_ID; if (WARE_ID is not null) then begin /* select actualware_id from PR_GETACTUALWAREID(:ware_id) into :ware_id; */ /* goodname='1';--sname; */ GOODNAME = SNAME; GOODIZG = SIZG; GOODCOUNTRY = SCOUNTRY; GOODBARCODE = BARCODE; suspend; exit; end WARE_ID = null; if (ORIG_NAME_ID is not null) then begin select first 1 ID from WARES where ORIG_NAME_ID = :ORIG_NAME_ID order by ID desc into :WARE_ID; if (WARE_ID is null) then select first 1 iif(ACTUAL_WARE_ID is null, ID, ACTUAL_WARE_ID) from WARES_LOG where ORIG_NAME_ID = :ORIG_NAME_ID order by LOG_ID desc into :WARE_ID; end if ((WARE_ID is null) and (NAME_ID is not null)) then begin select first 1 ID from WARES where NAME_ID = :NAME_ID into :WARE_ID; if (WARE_ID is null) then select first 1 iif(ACTUAL_WARE_ID is null, ID, ACTUAL_WARE_ID) from WARES_LOG where NAME_ID = :NAME_ID order by LOG_ID desc into :WARE_ID; end if (WARE_ID is null) then begin /* goodname='3';--sname; */ GOODNAME = SNAME; NAME_ID = null; end else begin /* select actualware_id from PR_GETACTUALWAREID(:ware_id) into :ware_id; */ select W.NAME_ID, V.SVALUE from WARES W left join VALS V on W.NAME_ID = V.ID where W.ID = :WARE_ID into :NAME_ID, :GOODNAME; end WARE_ID = null; if (ORIG_IZG_ID is not null) then begin select first 1 ID from WARES where ORIG_IZG_ID = :ORIG_IZG_ID into :WARE_ID; if (WARE_ID is null) then select first 1 iif(ACTUAL_WARE_ID is null, ID, ACTUAL_WARE_ID) from WARES_LOG where ORIG_IZG_ID = :ORIG_IZG_ID order by LOG_ID desc into :WARE_ID; end if ((WARE_ID is null) and (IZG_ID is not null)) then begin select first 1 ID from WARES where IZG_ID = :IZG_ID into :WARE_ID; if (WARE_ID is null) then select first 1 iif(ACTUAL_WARE_ID is null, ID, ACTUAL_WARE_ID) from WARES_LOG where IZG_ID = :IZG_ID order by LOG_ID desc into :WARE_ID; end if (WARE_ID is null) then GOODIZG = SIZG; else begin /* select actualware_id from PR_GETACTUALWAREID(:ware_id) into :ware_id; */ select W.IZG_ID, V.SVALUE from WARES W left join VALS V on W.IZG_ID = V.ID where W.ID = :WARE_ID into :IZG_ID, :GOODIZG; end WARE_ID = null; if (ORIG_COUNTRY_ID is not null) then begin select first 1 ID from WARES where ORIG_COUNTRY_ID = :ORIG_COUNTRY_ID into :WARE_ID; if (WARE_ID is null) then select first 1 iif(ACTUAL_WARE_ID is null, ID, ACTUAL_WARE_ID) from WARES_LOG where ORIG_COUNTRY_ID = :ORIG_COUNTRY_ID order by LOG_ID desc into :WARE_ID; end if ((WARE_ID is null) and (COUNTRY_ID is not null)) then begin select first 1 ID from WARES where COUNTRY_ID = :COUNTRY_ID into :WARE_ID; if (WARE_ID is null) then select first 1 iif(ACTUAL_WARE_ID is null, ID, ACTUAL_WARE_ID) from WARES_LOG where COUNTRY_ID = :COUNTRY_ID order by LOG_ID desc into :WARE_ID; end if (WARE_ID is null) then GOODCOUNTRY = SCOUNTRY; else begin /* select actualware_id from PR_GETACTUALWAREID(:ware_id) into :ware_id; */ select W.COUNTRY_ID, V.SVALUE from WARES W left join VALS V on W.COUNTRY_ID = V.ID where W.ID = :WARE_ID into :COUNTRY_ID, :GOODCOUNTRY; end /* if ((active_id>0) and ((goodname<>sname) or (goodizg<>sizg) or (goodcountry<>scountry))) then */ /* insert into doc_detail_active_log(id,sname,sizg,scountry, part_type) values (:active_id,:sname,:sizg,:scountry,:alttype); */ /* goodname='3'; */ GOODBARCODE = BARCODE; if (GOODNAME is null) then GOODNAME = SNAME; if (GOODIZG is null) then GOODIZG = SIZG; if (GOODCOUNTRY is null) then GOODCOUNTRY = SCOUNTRY; if (GOODNAME is null) then GOODNAME = SORIG_NAME; if (GOODIZG is null) then GOODIZG = SORIG_IZG; if (GOODCOUNTRY is null) then GOODCOUNTRY = SORIG_COUNTRY; suspend; end; create or alter procedure PR_GET_WARE ( SNAME type of DM_TEXT, SIZG type of DM_TEXT, SCOUNTRY type of DM_TEXT, ORIG_CODE type of DM_TEXT = '', SORIG_NAME type of DM_TEXT = '', SORIG_IZG type of DM_TEXT = '', SORIG_COUNTRY type of DM_TEXT = '', BARCODE type of DM_TEXT = '', Z_ID type of DM_ID = 0, SKLAD_ID DM_TEXT = '', ALTTYPE DM_STATUS = 0, MNN DM_TEXT = '') returns ( W_ID type of DM_UUID_NULL) as declare variable NAME_ID type of DM_UUID_NULL; declare variable IZG_ID type of DM_UUID_NULL; declare variable COUNTRY_ID type of DM_UUID_NULL; declare variable ORIG_NAME_ID type of DM_UUID_NULL; declare variable ORIG_IZG_ID type of DM_UUID_NULL; declare variable ORIG_COUNTRY_ID type of DM_UUID_NULL; begin select VAL_ID from PR_GETVAL_ID(:SNAME, 0, :ALTTYPE, :MNN) into :NAME_ID; select VAL_ID from PR_GETVAL_ID(:SIZG, 3, :ALTTYPE) into :IZG_ID; select VAL_ID from PR_GETVAL_ID(:SCOUNTRY, 2, :ALTTYPE) into :COUNTRY_ID; select VAL_ID from PR_GETVAL_ID(:SORIG_NAME, 1, :ALTTYPE) into :ORIG_NAME_ID; select VAL_ID from PR_GETVAL_ID(:SORIG_IZG, 6, :ALTTYPE) into :ORIG_IZG_ID; select VAL_ID from PR_GETVAL_ID(:SORIG_COUNTRY, 5, :ALTTYPE) into :ORIG_COUNTRY_ID; /* select first 1 id from wares where NAME_ID=:name_id and IZG_ID=:izg_id and COUNTRY_ID=:country_id and ORIG_CODE=:orig_code and ORIG_NAME_ID=:orig_name_id and ORIG_IZG_ID=:orig_izg_id and ORIG_COUNTRY_ID=:orig_country_id -- into :w_id; and barcode=:barcode into :w_id; */ select ID from WARES where NAME_ID = :NAME_ID and IZG_ID = :IZG_ID and COUNTRY_ID = :COUNTRY_ID and BARCODE = :BARCODE into :W_ID; if (W_ID is null) then begin /* exception EX_WRONG_OPER; */ /* w_id=gen_id(gen_wares_id,1); */ W_ID = uuid_to_char(gen_uuid()); insert into WARES (ID, NAME_ID, IZG_ID, COUNTRY_ID, ORIG_CODE, ORIG_NAME_ID, ORIG_IZG_ID, ORIG_COUNTRY_ID, BARCODE, Z_ID, SKLAD_ID) values (:W_ID, :NAME_ID, :IZG_ID, :COUNTRY_ID, :ORIG_CODE, :ORIG_NAME_ID, :ORIG_IZG_ID, :ORIG_COUNTRY_ID, :BARCODE, :Z_ID, :SKLAD_ID); end suspend; end; create or alter procedure PR_GETWARE_BY_IDS ( NAME_ID type of DM_UUID_NULL, IZG_ID type of DM_UUID_NULL, COUNTRY_ID type of DM_UUID_NULL, ORIG_CODE type of DM_TEXT, ORIG_NAME_ID type of DM_UUID_NULL, ORIG_IZG_ID type of DM_UUID_NULL, ORIG_COUNTRY_ID type of DM_UUID_NULL, DOINSERT type of DM_STATUS, SEARCHINLOGS type of DM_STATUS, BARCODE DM_TEXT) returns ( WARE_ID type of DM_UUID_NULL) as begin if (ORIG_CODE is null) then ORIG_CODE = ''; if (SEARCHINLOGS is null) then SEARCHINLOGS = 0; if (SEARCHINLOGS = 1) then begin select first 1 iif(ACTUAL_WARE_ID is null, ID, ACTUAL_WARE_ID) from WARES_LOG where NAME_ID = :NAME_ID and IZG_ID = :IZG_ID and COUNTRY_ID = :COUNTRY_ID and BARCODE = :BARCODE order by LOG_INSERTDT desc into :WARE_ID; select ID from WARES where ID = :WARE_ID into :WARE_ID; end else begin select first 1 ID from WARES where NAME_ID = :NAME_ID and IZG_ID = :IZG_ID and COUNTRY_ID = :COUNTRY_ID and BARCODE = :BARCODE into :WARE_ID; end if ((WARE_ID is null) and (DOINSERT = 1) and (SEARCHINLOGS <> 1)) then begin /* ware_id=gen_id(gen_wares_id,1); */ WARE_ID = uuid_to_char(gen_uuid()); insert into WARES (ID, NAME_ID, IZG_ID, COUNTRY_ID, ORIG_CODE, ORIG_NAME_ID, ORIG_IZG_ID, ORIG_COUNTRY_ID, Z_ID, SKLAD_ID, BARCODE) values (:WARE_ID, :NAME_ID, :IZG_ID, :COUNTRY_ID, :ORIG_CODE, :ORIG_NAME_ID, :ORIG_IZG_ID, :ORIG_COUNTRY_ID, 0, '', :BARCODE); end suspend; end; create or alter procedure PR_DOC_COMMIT ( DOC_ID type of DM_ID, SESSION_ID type of DM_ID) as declare variable WRONG_WARES DM_STATUS; declare variable BASE_TYPE type of DM_STATUS; declare variable SUMMA type of DM_DOUBLE; declare variable SUMMA_O type of DM_DOUBLE; declare variable SUM_NDSO type of DM_DOUBLE; declare variable DSCSUMMA type of DM_DOUBLE; declare variable SUM_DSC type of DM_DOUBLE; declare variable PRICE_TYPE DM_STATUS; declare variable CONTRACT_ID DM_ID; declare variable W_PARAM DM_STATUS; declare variable WARES_MODE DM_STATUS; begin select DT.BASE_TYPE, D.PRICE_TYPE, D.CONTRACT_ID from DOCS D left join DOC_TYPES DT on D.DOC_TYPE = DT.ID where D.ID = :DOC_ID into :BASE_TYPE, :PRICE_TYPE, :CONTRACT_ID; if (BASE_TYPE in (1, 3, 6, 8)) then begin WRONG_WARES = 0; WARES_MODE = 1; select PARAM_VALUE from PR_GETPARAMVALUE('WARES_MODE', 0) into WARES_MODE; if (WARES_MODE = 0) then begin select count(ID) from DOC_DETAIL_ACTIVE where DOC_ID = :DOC_ID and ((WARE_ID = '0') or (WARE_ID = '-1') or (WARE_ID = '')) into WRONG_WARES; if (WRONG_WARES > 0) then exception EX_WRONG_OPER; end execute procedure PR_DOC_PRIHOD_COMMIT(:DOC_ID, 0); end else if (BASE_TYPE in (2, 7, 9)) then execute procedure PR_DOC_RASHOD_COMMIT(:DOC_ID, 0); else exception EX_WRONGDOC_BASE_TYPE; delete from DOC_DETAIL_ACTIVE where DOC_ID = :DOC_ID; if (BASE_TYPE = 3) then begin delete from WAREBASE where PART_ID in (select PART_ID from DOC_DETAIL where DOC_ID = :DOC_ID and QUANT < 0 and PART_TYPE = 1); end select sum(SUMMA), sum(SUMMA_O), sum(SUM_NDSO), sum(PRICE * QUANT / 10000), sum(SUM_DSC) from DOC_DETAIL where DOC_ID = :DOC_ID into :SUMMA, :SUMMA_O, :SUM_NDSO, :DSCSUMMA, :SUM_DSC; DSCSUMMA = DSCSUMMA * 10000; update DOCS set COMMITSESSION_ID = :SESSION_ID, STATUS = 1, POSTDT = 'now', CHECKDATA = (select CHECKDATA from PR_DOCCHECKDATA(:DOC_ID)), SUMMA = :SUMMA, SUMMA_O = :SUMMA_O, SUM_NDSO = :SUM_NDSO, CALCSUMMA = :DSCSUMMA, SUM_DSC = :SUM_DSC, CASHDATA = (iif(:BASE_TYPE = 1, -:SUMMA, null)) where ID = :DOC_ID; execute procedure PR_UPDBLOCKINFO_BY_DOC(:DOC_ID, 1); /* if ((base_type = 2) and (contract_id<>0)) then */ if (CONTRACT_ID <> 0) then begin if (BASE_TYPE = 2) then execute procedure PR_CREDITCOMMIT(:CONTRACT_ID); if (BASE_TYPE in (8, 9)) then execute procedure PR_CREDITREINITCOMMIT(:CONTRACT_ID, :SESSION_ID); /* execute procedure PR_CREDITCOMMIT(:contract_id); */ end execute procedure PR_DOEVENT('EV_DOCCOMMIT'); end; create or alter trigger DOC_DETAIL_ACTIVE_BI for DOC_DETAIL_ACTIVE active before insert position 0 as begin if (new.ID is null) then new.ID = gen_id(GEN_DOC_DETAIL_ACTIVE_ID, 1); new.INSERTDT = 'now'; if (new.BASE_AGENT_ID is null) then new.BASE_AGENT_ID = 0; if (new.STATUS is null) then new.STATUS = 0; if (new.PARENT_ID is null) then new.PARENT_ID = 0; if (new.PART_TYPE is null) then new.PART_TYPE = 0; /* первая строчка = до привидения, оригианльные значения накладной */ /* select first 1 ID from WARES where NAME_ID = new.NAME_ID and IZG_ID = new.IZG_ID and COUNTRY_ID = new.COUNTRY_ID and BARCODE = new.BCODE_IZG into new.WARE_ID; */ insert into DOC_DETAIL_ACTIVE_LOG (ID, PARENT_ID, DOC_ID, PART_ID, PART_PARENT_ID, DOC_DETAIL_ID, PRICE, NAC, QUANT, DISCOUNT, SUMMA, SUMMA_O, DCARD, WARE_ID, PRICE_O, PRICE_Z, PRICE_R, BARCODE, BARCODE1, BCODE_IZG, GODENDO, SERIA, NDS, SUM_NDSO, SERT, DATESERT, KEMVSERT, SDSERT, REGN, NGTD, EDIZM, NAME_ID, IZG_ID, COUNTRY_ID, ORIG_CODE, ORIG_NAME_ID, ORIG_IZG_ID, ORIG_COUNTRY_ID, Z_ID, SKLAD_ID, SNAME, SIZG, SCOUNTRY, SORIG_NAME, SORIG_IZG, SORIG_COUNTRY, INSERTDT, INFO, KOEF, MOTHERPART_ID, DEP, SUM_DSC, HUMAN_QUANT, CUSTOMDRAW, PART_TYPE, BASE_AGENT_ID) values (new.ID, new.PARENT_ID, new.DOC_ID, new.PART_ID, new.PART_PARENT_ID, new.DOC_DETAIL_ID, new.PRICE, new.NAC, new.QUANT, new.DISCOUNT, new.SUMMA, new.SUMMA_O, new.DCARD, new.WARE_ID, new.PRICE_O, new.PRICE_Z, new.PRICE_R, new.BARCODE, new.BARCODE1, new.BCODE_IZG, new.GODENDO, new.SERIA, new.NDS, new.SUM_NDSO, new.SERT, new.DATESERT, new.KEMVSERT, new.SDSERT, new.REGN, new.NGTD, new.EDIZM, new.NAME_ID, new.IZG_ID, new.COUNTRY_ID, new.ORIG_CODE, new.ORIG_NAME_ID, new.ORIG_IZG_ID, new.ORIG_COUNTRY_ID, new.Z_ID, new.SKLAD_ID, new.SNAME, new.SIZG, new.SCOUNTRY, new.SORIG_NAME, new.SORIG_IZG, new.SORIG_COUNTRY, new.INSERTDT, new.INFO, new.KOEF, new.MOTHERPART_ID, new.DEP, new.SUM_DSC, new.HUMAN_QUANT, new.CUSTOMDRAW, new.PART_TYPE, new.BASE_AGENT_ID); /* -- */ if ((new.PART_ID is null) or (new.PART_ID = 0)) then begin /* >cf20110923 */ /* if (new.ware_id<0) then */ if (new.WARE_ID = '-1') then begin select GOODNAME, GOODIZG, GOODCOUNTRY, GOODBARCODE from PR_MAKEGOODWAREVALUES(new.SNAME, new.SORIG_NAME, new.SIZG, new.SORIG_IZG, new.SCOUNTRY, new.SORIG_COUNTRY, new.ORIG_CODE, new.ID, new.PART_TYPE, new.BCODE_IZG) into new.SNAME, new.SIZG, new.SCOUNTRY, new.BCODE_IZG; end /* <cf20110923 */ new.PART_ID = 0; select ID from VALS where VTYPE = 0 and ALTTYPE = new.PART_TYPE and SVALUE = new.SNAME into new.NAME_ID; select ID from VALS where VTYPE = 3 and ALTTYPE = new.PART_TYPE and SVALUE = new.SIZG into new.IZG_ID; select ID from VALS where VTYPE = 2 and ALTTYPE = new.PART_TYPE and SVALUE = new.SCOUNTRY into new.COUNTRY_ID; select ID from VALS where VTYPE = 1 and ALTTYPE = new.PART_TYPE and SVALUE = new.SORIG_NAME into new.ORIG_NAME_ID; select ID from VALS where VTYPE = 6 and ALTTYPE = new.PART_TYPE and SVALUE = new.SORIG_IZG into new.ORIG_IZG_ID; select ID from VALS where VTYPE = 5 and ALTTYPE = new.PART_TYPE and SVALUE = new.SORIG_COUNTRY into new.ORIG_COUNTRY_ID; new.WARE_ID = 0; select first 1 ID from WARES where NAME_ID = new.NAME_ID and IZG_ID = new.IZG_ID and COUNTRY_ID = new.COUNTRY_ID and BARCODE = new.BCODE_IZG into new.WARE_ID; /* вторая строчка = после приведения */ insert into DOC_DETAIL_ACTIVE_LOG (ID, PARENT_ID, DOC_ID, PART_ID, PART_PARENT_ID, DOC_DETAIL_ID, PRICE, NAC, QUANT, DISCOUNT, SUMMA, SUMMA_O, DCARD, WARE_ID, PRICE_O, PRICE_Z, PRICE_R, BARCODE, BARCODE1, BCODE_IZG, GODENDO, SERIA, NDS, SUM_NDSO, SERT, DATESERT, KEMVSERT, SDSERT, REGN, NGTD, EDIZM, NAME_ID, IZG_ID, COUNTRY_ID, ORIG_CODE, ORIG_NAME_ID, ORIG_IZG_ID, ORIG_COUNTRY_ID, Z_ID, SKLAD_ID, SNAME, SIZG, SCOUNTRY, SORIG_NAME, SORIG_IZG, SORIG_COUNTRY, INSERTDT, INFO, KOEF, MOTHERPART_ID, DEP, SUM_DSC, HUMAN_QUANT, CUSTOMDRAW, PART_TYPE, BASE_AGENT_ID) values (new.ID, new.PARENT_ID, new.DOC_ID, new.PART_ID, new.PART_PARENT_ID, new.DOC_DETAIL_ID, new.PRICE, new.NAC, new.QUANT, new.DISCOUNT, new.SUMMA, new.SUMMA_O, new.DCARD, new.WARE_ID, new.PRICE_O, new.PRICE_Z, new.PRICE_R, new.BARCODE, new.BARCODE1, new.BCODE_IZG, new.GODENDO, new.SERIA, new.NDS, new.SUM_NDSO, new.SERT, new.DATESERT, new.KEMVSERT, new.SDSERT, new.REGN, new.NGTD, new.EDIZM, new.NAME_ID, new.IZG_ID, new.COUNTRY_ID, new.ORIG_CODE, new.ORIG_NAME_ID, new.ORIG_IZG_ID, new.ORIG_COUNTRY_ID, new.Z_ID, new.SKLAD_ID, new.SNAME, new.SIZG, new.SCOUNTRY, new.SORIG_NAME, new.SORIG_IZG, new.SORIG_COUNTRY, new.INSERTDT, new.INFO, new.KOEF, new.MOTHERPART_ID, new.DEP, new.SUM_DSC, new.HUMAN_QUANT, new.CUSTOMDRAW, new.PART_TYPE, new.BASE_AGENT_ID); /* -- */ end if (new.PART_PARENT_ID is null) then new.PART_PARENT_ID = 0; if (new.WARE_ID is null) then new.WARE_ID = 0; if (new.NAME_ID is null) then new.NAME_ID = 0; if (new.IZG_ID is null) then new.IZG_ID = 0; if (new.COUNTRY_ID is null) then new.COUNTRY_ID = 0; if (new.ORIG_NAME_ID is null) then new.ORIG_NAME_ID = 0; if (new.ORIG_IZG_ID is null) then new.ORIG_IZG_ID = 0; if (new.ORIG_COUNTRY_ID is null) then new.ORIG_COUNTRY_ID = 0; if (new.Z_ID is null) then new.Z_ID = 0; if (new.SKLAD_ID is null) then new.SKLAD_ID = ''; if (new.MOTHERPART_ID is null) then new.MOTHERPART_ID = 0; if (new.DOC_DETAIL_ID is null) then new.DOC_DETAIL_ID = 0; if (new.PART_ID > 0) then /* заполняем значения партии */ begin select WARE_ID, PRICE, PRICE_O, PRICE_Z, PRICE_R, /* QUANT, */ /* BARCODE, */ BARCODE1, /* KRITK, */ GODENDO, SERIA, NDS, /* SUM_NDSO, */ SERT, DATESERT, KEMVSERT, SDSERT, REGN, NGTD, EDIZM, NAC, DEP, PART_TYPE, BASE_AGENT_ID, GROUP_ID from PARTS where ID = new.PART_ID into new.WARE_ID, new.PRICE, new.PRICE_O, new.PRICE_Z, new.PRICE_R, /* new.QUANT, */ /* new.BARCODE, */ new.BARCODE1, /* new.KRITK,*/ new.GODENDO, new.SERIA, new.NDS, /* new.SUM_NDSO, */ new.SERT, new.DATESERT, new.KEMVSERT, new.SDSERT, new.REGN, new.NGTD, new.EDIZM, new.NAC, new.DEP, new.PART_TYPE, new.BASE_AGENT_ID, new.GROUP_ID; end if (new.GROUP_ID is null) then new.GROUP_ID = 0; /* if (new.ware_id>0) then -- заполняем значения позиции */ if (new.WARE_ID not in ('-1', '0')) then /* заполняем значения позиции */ begin select WW.NAME_ID, (select SVALUE from VALS where ID = WW.NAME_ID), WW.IZG_ID, (select SVALUE from VALS where ID = WW.IZG_ID), WW.COUNTRY_ID, (select SVALUE from VALS where ID = WW.COUNTRY_ID), WW.ORIG_CODE, WW.ORIG_NAME_ID, (select SVALUE from VALS where ID = WW.ORIG_NAME_ID), WW.ORIG_IZG_ID, (select SVALUE from VALS where ID = WW.ORIG_IZG_ID), WW.ORIG_COUNTRY_ID, (select SVALUE from VALS where ID = WW.ORIG_COUNTRY_ID), WW.BARCODE, WW.Z_ID, WW.SKLAD_ID from WARES WW where WW.ID = new.WARE_ID into new.NAME_ID, new.SNAME, new.IZG_ID, new.SIZG, new.COUNTRY_ID, new.SCOUNTRY, new.ORIG_CODE, new.ORIG_NAME_ID, new.SORIG_NAME, new.ORIG_IZG_ID, new.SORIG_IZG, new.ORIG_COUNTRY_ID, new.SORIG_COUNTRY, new.BCODE_IZG, new.Z_ID, new.SKLAD_ID; end else begin /* if (new.ware_id<0) then */ if (new.WARE_ID = '-1') then begin select GOODNAME, GOODIZG, GOODCOUNTRY from PR_MAKEGOODWAREVALUES(new.SNAME, new.SORIG_NAME, new.SIZG, new.SORIG_IZG, new.SCOUNTRY, new.SORIG_COUNTRY, new.ORIG_CODE, new.ID, new.PART_TYPE, new.BCODE_IZG) into new.SNAME, new.SIZG, new.SCOUNTRY; new.WARE_ID = 0; end end if (new.QUANT is null) then new.QUANT = 0; if (new.PRICE is null) then new.PRICE = 0; if (new.PRICE_O is null) then new.PRICE_O = 0; if (new.NDS is null) then new.NDS = 0; if (new.SUMMA is null) then new.SUMMA = new.QUANT * new.PRICE; if (new.SUM_DSC is null) then new.SUM_DSC = 0; if (new.SUMMA_O is null) then begin new.SUMMA_O = new.QUANT * new.PRICE_O; end else begin if (new.QUANT <> 0) then new.PRICE_O = new.SUMMA_O / new.QUANT; end if (new.SUM_NDSO is null) then new.SUM_NDSO = new.SUMMA_O * new.NDS / 100; if (((new.NAC is null) or (new.NAC = 0)) and new.PRICE_O <> 0) then new.NAC = (new.PRICE - new.PRICE_O) * 100 / new.PRICE_O; if (new.DEP is null) then begin select first 1 ID from DEPS where NDS = new.NDS order by ID into new.DEP; end if (new.DEP is null) then new.DEP = 0; /* -> 20130301-ann gen_barcode_by_name */ if ((new.BARCODE is null) or (trim(new.BARCODE) = '')) then begin if ((select PARAM_VALUE from PR_GETPARAMVALUE('GEN_BARCODE', 0)) = 0) then select RES_BCODE from UTPR_GETCHECKSUM_EAN13(new.ID) into new.BARCODE; /* else select res_bcode from utpr_getchecksum_ean13(new.name_id,'88') into new.barcode; */ else select RES_BCODE from UTPR_GETCHECKSUM_EAN13((select L_ID from VALS where D$UUID = new.NAME_ID), '88') into new.BARCODE; end /* -> 20130301-ann gen_barcode_by_name */ if (new.PART_PARENT_ID > 0) then begin update DOC_DETAIL_ACTIVE set QUANT = QUANT - new.QUANT, SUMMA = SUMMA - new.SUMMA, SUMMA_O = SUMMA_O - new.SUMMA_O, SUM_NDSO = SUM_NDSO - new.SUM_NDSO where ID = new.PART_PARENT_ID; execute procedure PR_COPY_MEMBERSHIP('DOC_DETAIL_ACTIVE', new.PART_PARENT_ID, new.ID); end end; create or alter trigger DOC_DETAIL_ACTIVE_BU0 for DOC_DETAIL_ACTIVE active before update position 0 as begin /*20160513 if ((new.SNAME <> old.SNAME) or (new.NAME_ID is null) or (new.NAME_ID = '0')) then select VAL_ID from PR_GETVAL_ID(new.SNAME, 0, new.PART_TYPE, new.MNN) into new.NAME_ID; */ if (new.NAME_ID is null) then new.NAME_ID = 0; if ((new.SUMMA is null) and ((new.QUANT <> 0) and (new.PRICE <> 0))) then begin new.SUMMA = new.QUANT * new.PRICE; if (new.SUM_DSC is not null) then new.SUMMA = new.SUMMA - new.SUM_DSC; end if (((new.SUMMA_O = 0) or (new.SUMMA_O is null)) and ((new.QUANT <> 0) and (new.PRICE_O <> 0))) then new.SUMMA_O = new.QUANT * new.PRICE_O; if (new.NAME_ID <> old.NAME_ID) then execute procedure PR_COPYGROUPS(old.NAME_ID, new.NAME_ID); if (new.SUM_DSC is null) then if (new.SUMMA <> old.SUMMA) then begin new.SUM_DSC = (1 + new.DISCOUNT / 100) * 100 * new.SUMMA / (100 + old.DISCOUNT) - 100 * new.SUMMA / (100 + old.DISCOUNT); --new.summa=(1+new.discount/100)*100*old.summa/(100+old.discount); end if (new.SUM_DSC is null) then if (new.DISCOUNT <> old.DISCOUNT) then begin new.SUM_DSC = (1 + new.DISCOUNT / 100) * 100 * old.SUMMA / (100 + old.DISCOUNT) - 100 * old.SUMMA / (100 + old.DISCOUNT); new.SUMMA = (1 + new.DISCOUNT / 100) * 100 * old.SUMMA / (100 + old.DISCOUNT); end select ID from VALS where VTYPE = 0 and ALTTYPE = new.PART_TYPE and SVALUE = new.SNAME into new.NAME_ID; if (new.NAME_ID is null) then new.NAME_ID = 0; select ID from VALS where VTYPE = 3 and ALTTYPE = new.PART_TYPE and SVALUE = new.SIZG into new.IZG_ID; if (new.IZG_ID is null) then new.IZG_ID = 0; select ID from VALS where VTYPE = 2 and ALTTYPE = new.PART_TYPE and SVALUE = new.SCOUNTRY into new.COUNTRY_ID; if (new.COUNTRY_ID is null) then new.COUNTRY_ID = 0; select ID from VALS where VTYPE = 1 and ALTTYPE = new.PART_TYPE and SVALUE = new.SORIG_NAME into new.ORIG_NAME_ID; if (new.ORIG_NAME_ID is null) then new.ORIG_NAME_ID = 0; select ID from VALS where VTYPE = 6 and ALTTYPE = new.PART_TYPE and SVALUE = new.SORIG_IZG into new.ORIG_IZG_ID; if (new.ORIG_IZG_ID is null) then new.ORIG_IZG_ID = 0; select ID from VALS where VTYPE = 5 and ALTTYPE = new.PART_TYPE and SVALUE = new.SORIG_COUNTRY into new.ORIG_COUNTRY_ID; if (new.ORIG_COUNTRY_ID is null) then new.ORIG_COUNTRY_ID = 0; insert into DOC_DETAIL_ACTIVE_LOG (ID, PARENT_ID, DOC_ID, PART_ID, PART_PARENT_ID, DOC_DETAIL_ID, PRICE, NAC, QUANT, DISCOUNT, SUMMA, SUMMA_O, DCARD, WARE_ID, PRICE_O, PRICE_Z, PRICE_R, BARCODE, BARCODE1, BCODE_IZG, --KRITK, GODENDO, SERIA, NDS, SUM_NDSO, SERT, DATESERT, KEMVSERT, SDSERT, REGN, NGTD, EDIZM, NAME_ID, IZG_ID, COUNTRY_ID, ORIG_CODE, ORIG_NAME_ID, ORIG_IZG_ID, ORIG_COUNTRY_ID, Z_ID, SKLAD_ID, SNAME, SIZG, SCOUNTRY, SORIG_NAME, SORIG_IZG, SORIG_COUNTRY, INSERTDT, INFO, KOEF, MOTHERPART_ID, DEP, SUM_DSC, HUMAN_QUANT, CUSTOMDRAW, PART_TYPE, BASE_AGENT_ID) values (old.ID, old.PARENT_ID, old.DOC_ID, old.PART_ID, old.PART_PARENT_ID, old.DOC_DETAIL_ID, old.PRICE, old.NAC, old.QUANT, old.DISCOUNT, old.SUMMA, old.SUMMA_O, old.DCARD, old.WARE_ID, old.PRICE_O, old.PRICE_Z, old.PRICE_R, old.BARCODE, old.BARCODE1, old.BCODE_IZG, --old.KRITK, old.GODENDO, old.SERIA, old.NDS, old.SUM_NDSO, old.SERT, old.DATESERT, old.KEMVSERT, old.SDSERT, old.REGN, old.NGTD, old.EDIZM, old.NAME_ID, old.IZG_ID, old.COUNTRY_ID, old.ORIG_CODE, old.ORIG_NAME_ID, old.ORIG_IZG_ID, old.ORIG_COUNTRY_ID, old.Z_ID, old.SKLAD_ID, old.SNAME, old.SIZG, old.SCOUNTRY, old.SORIG_NAME, old.SORIG_IZG, old.SORIG_COUNTRY, old.INSERTDT, old.INFO, old.KOEF, old.MOTHERPART_ID, old.DEP, old.SUM_DSC, old.HUMAN_QUANT, old.CUSTOMDRAW, old.PART_TYPE, old.BASE_AGENT_ID); end; create or alter view VW_WARES ( ID, NAME_ID, SNAME, IZG_ID, SIZG, COUNTRY_ID, SCOUNTRY, ORIG_CODE, ORIG_NAME_ID, SORIG_NAME, ORIG_IZG_ID, SORIG_IZG, ORIG_COUNTRY_ID, SORIG_COUNTRY, BARCODE, Z_ID, SKLAD_ID, INSERTDT, PACKET, MGN_NAME, MGN_ID, MGN_SOURCE) as select W.ID, W.NAME_ID, W.SNAME, --(select svalue from vals where id = w.name_id), W.IZG_ID, (select SVALUE from VALS where ID = W.IZG_ID), W.COUNTRY_ID, (select SVALUE from VALS where ID = W.COUNTRY_ID), W.ORIG_CODE, W.ORIG_NAME_ID, (select SVALUE from VALS where ID = W.ORIG_NAME_ID), W.ORIG_IZG_ID, (select SVALUE from VALS where ID = W.ORIG_IZG_ID), W.ORIG_COUNTRY_ID, (select SVALUE from VALS where ID = W.ORIG_COUNTRY_ID), W.BARCODE, W.Z_ID, W.SKLAD_ID, W.INSERTDT, W.PACKET, W.MGN_NAME, W.MGN_ID, W.MGN_SOURCE from WARES W; create or alter procedure PR_DOC_DETAIL_ACTIVE_ONCOMMIT ( ACTIVE_ID type of DM_ID, COMMIT_ID type of DM_ID, DOC_ID type of DM_ID, COMMITDATE type of DM_DATETIME) as begin /* эта процедура выполняется для каждой записи, добавляемой в DOC_DETAIL в процедурах проведения документов */ /* Для вречей*/ update DOC_DETAIL_DOCTOR set DOC_DETAIL_ID = :COMMIT_ID, DOC_ID = :DOC_ID, COMMITDATE = :COMMITDATE where DOC_DETAIL_ACTIVE_ID = :ACTIVE_ID; /* Старые рецепты*/ update DOC_DETAIL_MAKE set DOC_DETAIL_ID = :COMMIT_ID, DOC_ID = :DOC_ID, COMMITDATE = :COMMITDATE where DOC_DETAIL_ACTIVE_ID = :ACTIVE_ID; /* Новые рецепты*/ update RECEPTS set TABLE_ID = :COMMIT_ID, TABLE_NAME = 'DOC_DETAIL', STATUS = 1 where DOC_DETAIL_ACTIVE_ID = :ACTIVE_ID;--для рецептов execute procedure PR_AUTO_WARESLINK(:DOC_ID, :ACTIVE_ID); end;