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Aleksnick (обсуждение | вклад) (Новая страница: «# Экспорт vals_link (для ЙО: boss:d:\обмен\JO\ZTRADE.FDB) как dbf или insert # Создаем и вставляем данные vals_link…») |
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Версия 15:00, 6 сентября 2016
- Экспорт vals_link (для ЙО: boss:d:\обмен\JO\ZTRADE.FDB) как dbf или insert
- Создаем и вставляем данные vals_link в нашу БД (скрипт создания и импорта из dbf: cowa_vals_links.sql)
- Выпоняем cowa_all.sql (не оптимизирован для ЙО)
--копируем VALS_LINKS как объект ALTER TRIGGER WARES_LOG_BI_DISTR INACTIVE; ALTER TRIGGER WARES_LOG_BU_DISTR INACTIVE; ALTER TRIGGER WARES_LOG_AD_DISTR INACTIVE; ALTER TRIGGER WARES_AD_DISTR INACTIVE; ALTER TRIGGER WARES_AU0 INACTIVE; ALTER TRIGGER WARES_AIU0 INACTIVE; ALTER TRIGGER VALS_AIU0 INACTIVE; ALTER TRIGGER PARTS_AU0 INACTIVE; ALTER TRIGGER VALS_AD_DISTR INACTIVE; --ALTER TRIGGER VALS_AD_DODOUBLES INACTIVE; --ALTER TRIGGER WARES_BIU_VALCHECK INACTIVE; --ALTER TRIGGER WARES_AD_DISTR INACTIVE; --ALTER TRIGGER WARES_AD0 INACTIVE; ALTER TRIGGER WARES_BD0 INACTIVE; ALTER TRIGGER WARES_BU_DISTR INACTIVE; --ALTER TRIGGER WARES_BU0_MGN_NAME_ASNA INACTIVE; --DROP INDEX WARES_IDX15; --CREATE INDEX WARES_IDX15 ON WARES (NAME_ID,IZG_ID,COUNTRY_ID,ORIG_CODE,ORIG_NAME_ID,ORIG_IZG_ID,ORIG_COUNTRY_ID); ALTER TABLE WARES_LOG ADD ACTUAL_WARE_ID DM_UUID_NULL; CREATE INDEX WARES_LOG_ACTUAL_WARE_ID ON WARES_LOG (ACTUAL_WARE_ID); SET TERM ^ ; CREATE OR ALTER trigger wares_log_bi_tmp for wares_log active before insert position 0 AS begin if (new.log_id is null) then new.log_id=UUID_TO_CHAR(GEN_UUID()); new.d$uuid=new.log_id; if (new.d$srvupddt is null) then begin new.d$srvupddt='2000-01-01'; end if (new.l_id is null) then new.l_id=GEN_ID(GEN_WARES_LOG_ID,1); new.log_insertdt=current_timestamp; end^ SET TERM ; ^ SET TERM ^ ; CREATE OR ALTER procedure PR_TMP_CHANGEWARES_CONSTR as declare variable UUID type of DM_UUID; declare variable NAME_ID type of DM_UUID; declare variable IZG_ID type of DM_UUID; declare variable COUNTRY_ID type of DM_UUID; declare variable BARCODE type of DM_TEXT; declare variable ACTUAL_UUID type of DM_UUID; begin delete from wares_log wl where (ACTUAL_WARE_ID is null) and (not exists (select id from wares w where w.id=wl.id)); for select min(d$uuid), name_id, izg_id, country_id, barcode from wares group by name_id, izg_id, country_id, barcode having count(1)>1 into actual_uuid, name_id, izg_id, country_id, barcode do begin for select d$uuid from wares where name_id=:name_id and izg_id=:izg_id and country_id=:country_id and barcode=:barcode and d$uuid<>:actual_uuid into uuid do begin -- insert into tmp_todelete (TABLENAME,UUID,REASON,ACTUAL_UUID) values ('WARES',:uuid,'удаление',:actual_uuid); insert into wares_log (ID,NAME_ID,IZG_ID,COUNTRY_ID,ORIG_CODE,ORIG_NAME_ID,ORIG_IZG_ID,ORIG_COUNTRY_ID,BARCODE,Z_ID,SKLAD_ID,INSERTDT,PACKET,L_ID,ACTUAL_WARE_ID) select ID,NAME_ID,IZG_ID,COUNTRY_ID,ORIG_CODE,ORIG_NAME_ID,ORIG_IZG_ID,ORIG_COUNTRY_ID,BARCODE,Z_ID,SKLAD_ID,INSERTDT,PACKET,L_ID,:actual_uuid from wares where d$uuid=:uuid; update parts set ware_id=:actual_uuid where ware_id=:uuid; delete from wares where d$uuid=:uuid; end end --delete from wares w where not exists (select id from parts p where p.ware_id=w.id) = всего 11414 , после сжатия - игнорим пока delete from vals v where (vtype=0) and (not exists (select id from wares w where w.name_id=v.id)) and (not exists (select id from wares_log wl where wl.name_id=v.id)); delete from vals v where (vtype=3) and (not exists (select id from wares w where w.izg_id=v.id)) and (not exists (select id from wares_log wl where wl.izg_id=v.id)); delete from vals v where (vtype=2) and (not exists (select id from wares w where w.country_id=v.id)) and (not exists (select id from wares_log wl where wl.country_id=v.id)); delete from vals v where (vtype=1) and (not exists (select id from wares w where w.orig_name_id=v.id)) and (not exists (select id from wares_log wl where wl.orig_name_id=v.id)); delete from vals v where (vtype=6) and (not exists (select id from wares w where w.orig_izg_id=v.id)) and (not exists (select id from wares_log wl where wl.orig_izg_id=v.id)); delete from vals v where (vtype=5) and (not exists (select id from wares w where w.orig_country_id=v.id)) and (not exists (select id from wares_log wl where wl.orig_country_id=v.id)); end^ SET TERM ; ^ update wares set barcode='' where barcode is null; execute procedure PR_TMP_CHANGEWARES_CONSTR; commit work; CREATE UNIQUE INDEX WARES_IDX_U ON WARES (NAME_ID, IZG_ID, COUNTRY_ID, BARCODE); --DROP TRIGGER WARES_LOG_BI_TMP; CREATE TABLE TMP_UPDATED_WARES ( UUID DM_UUID /* DM_UUID = CHAR(36) NOT NULL */ ); CREATE INDEX TMP_UPDATED_WARES_IDX1 ON TMP_UPDATED_WARES (UUID); /* CREATE GENERATOR GEN_VALS_CARANTINE_ID; CREATE TABLE VALS_CARANTINE ( ID DM_ID NOT NULL, CUR_ID DM_UUID, NEW_ID DM_UUID, INSERTDT DM_DATETIME, FROM_PROFILE_ID DM_ID_NULL ); SET TERM ^ ; CREATE OR ALTER TRIGGER VALS_CARANTINE_BI FOR VALS_CARANTINE ACTIVE BEFORE INSERT POSITION 0 as begin if (new.id is null) then new.id = gen_id(gen_vals_carantine_id,1); new.insertdt=current_timestamp; if (new.from_profile_id is null) then select from_profile_id from g$distribute where uuid=new.new_id into new.from_profile_id; end ^ SET TERM ; ^ */ SET TERM ^ ; CREATE OR ALTER trigger vals_biu_dodoubles for vals inactive before insert or update position 0 AS declare variable ID type of DM_UUID; begin select id from vals where VTYPE=new.VTYPE and svalue=new.svalue and ALTTYPE=new.ALTTYPE and d$uuid<>new.d$uuid into :id; if (id is null) then exit; /* 0 - приведенное наименование 3 - приведенный производитель 2 - приведенная страна 1 - ориг. наименование 6 - ориг. производитель 5 - ориг. страна Запускает цепочку апдейтов. При изменении wares проверяются дубли, и, в случае нахождения, правятся партии */ if (new.vtype=0) then update wares set name_id=new.id where name_id=:id; else if (new.vtype=3) then update wares set izg_id=new.id where izg_id=:id; else if (new.vtype=2) then update wares set country_id=new.id where country_id=:id; else if (new.vtype=1) then update wares set orig_name_id=new.id where orig_name_id=:id; else if (new.vtype=6) then update wares set orig_izg_id=new.id where orig_izg_id=:id; else if (new.vtype=5) then update wares set orig_country_id=new.id where orig_country_id=:id; else exit; insert into vals_carantine (cur_id, new_id) values (:id, new.id); delete from vals where id=:id; end^ SET TERM ; ^ SET TERM ^ ; CREATE OR ALTER trigger wares_biu_cowa for wares active before insert or update position 0 AS declare variable cur_id type of DM_UUID; begin cur_id=null; select d$uuid from wares where NAME_ID=new.name_id and IZG_ID=new.izg_id and COUNTRY_ID=new.COUNTRY_ID and BARCODE=new.BARCODE and d$uuid<>new.d$uuid into :cur_id; if (cur_id is null) then exit; if (not exists(select id from wares_log where id=:cur_id and actual_ware_id=new.id)) then begin update wares_log set ACTUAL_WARE_ID=new.d$uuid where ACTUAL_WARE_ID=:cur_id; insert into wares_log (ID,NAME_ID,IZG_ID,COUNTRY_ID,ORIG_CODE,ORIG_NAME_ID,ORIG_IZG_ID,ORIG_COUNTRY_ID,BARCODE,Z_ID,SKLAD_ID,INSERTDT,PACKET,L_ID,ACTUAL_WARE_ID) select ID,NAME_ID,IZG_ID,COUNTRY_ID,ORIG_CODE,ORIG_NAME_ID,ORIG_IZG_ID,ORIG_COUNTRY_ID,BARCODE,Z_ID,SKLAD_ID,INSERTDT,PACKET,L_ID,new.d$uuid from wares where d$uuid=:cur_id; -- values (new.ID,new.NAME_ID,new.IZG_ID,new.COUNTRY_ID,new.ORIG_CODE,new.ORIG_NAME_ID,new.ORIG_IZG_ID,new.ORIG_COUNTRY_ID,new.BARCODE,new.Z_ID,new.SKLAD_ID,new.INSERTDT,new.PACKET,new.L_ID,new.d$uuid); end update parts set ware_id=new.d$uuid where ware_id=:cur_id; delete from wares where d$uuid=:cur_id; end^ SET TERM ; ^ SET TERM ^ ; CREATE OR ALTER trigger parts_biu_cowa for parts active before insert or update position 0 AS declare variable ware_id type of DM_UUID; begin if (exists(select id from wares where id=new.ware_id)) then exit; select max(actual_ware_id) from wares_log where id=new.ware_id and (exists(select id from wares w where w.d$uuid=actual_ware_id)) into :ware_id; if (ware_id is null) then exit; -- if (exists(select id from wares where d$uuid=:ware_id)) then new.ware_id=:ware_id; end^ SET TERM ; ^ SET TERM ^ ; CREATE OR ALTER procedure UTPR_REMOVE_TILDA ( SVALUE type of DM_TEXT) returns ( S type of DM_TEXT) as declare variable TILDA type of DM_TEXT; declare variable C char(10); begin s=:svalue; if (svalue not starting with '~') then begin suspend; exit; end tilda=''; if (svalue starting with '~100') then begin s=substring(svalue from 5 for 245); tilda='100'; end else begin c=substring(svalue from 3 for 1); if (c in ('0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9')) then begin s=substring(svalue from 4 for 245); tilda=substring(svalue from 2 for 2); end else begin s=substring(svalue from 3 for 245); tilda=substring(svalue from 2 for 1); end c=substring(s from 1 for 1); if (c='@') then begin s=substring(s from 2); end end suspend; end^ SET TERM ; ^ SET TERM ^ ; CREATE OR ALTER procedure UTPR_BUBBLE_SORT ( SOURCE DM_TEXT) returns ( S DM_TEXT) as declare variable C1 char(1); declare variable L integer; declare variable I integer; declare variable SWAPPED integer; declare variable J integer; declare variable C2 char(1); declare variable B char(1); begin l=char_length(source); i=0; s=source; while (i<=l) do begin i=i+1; j=0; swapped=0; while (j<=l-i-1) do begin j=j+1; c1=substring(s from j for 1); c2=substring(s from j+1 for 1); if (c1>c2) then begin b=c1; s=substring(s from 1 for j - 1) || c2 || c1 || substring(s from j + 2); swapped=1; end end if (swapped=0) then break; end suspend; end^ SET TERM ; ^ SET TERM ^ ; CREATE OR ALTER procedure UTPR_CHARSONLY ( SOURCE type of DM_TEXT, SORTED integer = 0) returns ( S DM_TEXT) as declare variable C char(1); declare variable L integer; declare variable I integer; declare variable V integer; begin l=char_length(source); i=1; s=''; while (i<=l) do begin c=substring(source from i for 1); v=ascii_val(c); if (((v>47) and (v<58)) or ((v>64) and (v<91)) or ((v>96) and (v<123)) or (v>191)) then s=s||c; i=i+1; end if (sorted=1) then select s from UTPR_BUBBLE_SORT(:s) into :s; suspend; end^ SET TERM ; ^ SET TERM ^ ; CREATE OR ALTER procedure PR_TMP_COMPRESS_VALS as declare variable UVALUE type of DM_TEXT; declare variable VTYPE type of DM_STATUS; declare variable ID type of DM_UUID; declare variable W_CNT type of DM_STATUS; declare variable T_CNT type of DM_STATUS; declare variable T_ID type of DM_UUID; begin -- update vals set uppervalue=upper(trim((select s from UTPR_REMOVE_TILDA(svalue)))), isactual=0; update vals set uppervalue=(select s from UTPR_CHARSONLY(upper(trim((select s from UTPR_REMOVE_TILDA(svalue)))),1)), isactual=0; -- for select uppervalue, vtype from vals where vtype in (0,3,2) and svalue<>'' group by vtype, uppervalue having count(1)>1 into uvalue, vtype do for select uppervalue, vtype from vals where vtype in (0,3,2) group by vtype, uppervalue having count(1)>1 into uvalue, vtype do begin T_CNT=0; t_id=null; for select id from vals where vtype=:vtype and uppervalue=:uvalue into id do begin if (vtype=0) then select count(1) from wares where name_id=:id into :w_cnt; else if (vtype=3) then select count(1) from wares where izg_id=:id into :w_cnt; else if (vtype=2) then select count(1) from wares where country_id=:id into :w_cnt; if (t_cnt<w_cnt) then begin t_cnt=w_cnt; t_id=:id; end update vals set isactual=:w_cnt where id=:id; end if (t_id is not null) then begin for select id from vals where vtype=:vtype and uppervalue=:uvalue and id<>:t_id into id do begin if (vtype=0) then begin insert into TMP_UPDATED_WARES (uuid) select d$uuid from wares where name_id=:id; update wares set name_id=:t_id where name_id=:id; end else if (vtype=3) then begin insert into TMP_UPDATED_WARES (uuid) select d$uuid from wares where izg_id=:id; update wares set izg_id=:t_id where izg_id=:id; end else if (vtype=2) then begin insert into TMP_UPDATED_WARES (uuid) select d$uuid from wares where country_id=:id; update wares set country_id=:t_id where country_id=:id; end end end end end^ SET TERM ; ^ CREATE INDEX VALS_IDX_COWA_TMP ON VALS (VTYPE, UPPERVALUE); execute procedure PR_TMP_COMPRESS_VALS; commit work; SET TERM ^ ; CREATE OR ALTER procedure PR_TMP_APPLY_VALS_LINKS as declare variable RIGHT_ID type of DM_UUID; declare variable WRONG_ID type of DM_UUID; begin for select vl.right_val_id, vl.wrong_val_id from vals_links vl where vtype=0 into right_id, wrong_id do begin insert into TMP_UPDATED_WARES (uuid) select d$uuid from wares where name_id=:wrong_id; update wares set name_id=:right_id where name_id=:wrong_id; end for select vl.right_val_id, vl.wrong_val_id from vals_links vl where vtype=3 into right_id, wrong_id do begin insert into TMP_UPDATED_WARES (uuid) select d$uuid from wares where izg_id=:wrong_id; update wares set izg_id=:right_id where izg_id=:wrong_id; end for select vl.right_val_id, vl.wrong_val_id from vals_links vl where vtype=2 into right_id, wrong_id do begin insert into TMP_UPDATED_WARES (uuid) select d$uuid from wares where country_id=:wrong_id; update wares set country_id=:right_id where country_id=:wrong_id; end end^ SET TERM ; ^ execute procedure PR_TMP_APPLY_VALS_LINKS; commit work; DROP TRIGGER WARES_LOG_BI_TMP; ALTER TRIGGER WARES_AU0 INACTIVE; ALTER TRIGGER WARES_AIU0 INACTIVE; ALTER TRIGGER VALS_AIU0 INACTIVE; ALTER TRIGGER WARES_LOG_BI_DISTR ACTIVE; ALTER TRIGGER WARES_LOG_BU_DISTR ACTIVE; ALTER TRIGGER WARES_LOG_AD_DISTR ACTIVE; ALTER TRIGGER WARES_AD_DISTR ACTIVE; ALTER TRIGGER PARTS_AU0 ACTIVE;
- Для связывания по ШК выполняем cowa_bcode_links.sql (не оптимизирован для ЙО)
- Проверяем работу, смотрим сколько записей добавилось в g$distribute - могут добавится немного записей и только по таблицам wares и wares_log.
- Экспорт как insert скрипт в файл запроса "select * from wares_log wl where wl.actual_ware_id is not null", все строки "commit work" - убираем.
- Экспрорт как update or insert скрипт в файл запроса "select distinct w.* from TMP_UPDATED_WARES t left join wares w on t.uuid=w.d$uuid where w.d$uuid is not null", все строки "commit work" - убираем.
- Делаем шаблоны G$TASKS_TMPL по образцу. Заменить data в записях cowa_02XX на файл, созданный в 6м пункте, cowa_08 - на файл 7го пункта.